Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Bowl of Water

                                                             The Bowl of Water;
                                                                    A Journey
    Take a large glass bowl to the ocean, river, lake or stream. Fill it with water. Bring it home. Place it as a centerpiece on your table. Look into that water. what would it feel like to swim in that water, to drink that water, be refreshed and renewed by it? Love that bowl of water.
    That bowl of water is you.
    Now go back to the ocean with a glass. Fill the glass with water and bring it home. Pour that glass of water into your bowl. This is that which we call God coming to visit you. Can you see the difference between the new water and old? No.
    But there are differences when it arrives and when it leaves. Maybe you saw ripples in your bowl, a disturbance of sorts. Maybe the temperature of the water in your bowl changed as your moods change. Maybe some of the water spilled over onto the table out into the world or into another vessel or container. Maybe the spill was in the form of tears you cried, the impact for good or evil you had on someone else. Maybe it was the birth of a child or a healing miracle. Maybe the wind blew in a way that was unusual.
    One day you notice the water level is lower. You never noticed the evaporation occuring, but there it is; water has left your bowl. After some time without that water moving or being refreshed, scum might begin to apear. The water begins to grow stale, grow mold, not have enough oxygen in it to sustain life. It ceases to breathe.
    We may be closer to God than we think, closer than the world would have us to believe because it does not like the ripples, the temperature changes, the impact we leave. Maybe we feel abandoned because we are not perceiving God as anything but ourselves making ourselves crazy, conflicting with what the world would have us believe.
    Be assured, so long as those inner waters are moving, overflowing, disagreeing,....God is visiting.
     Maybe someone else has let their water grow old and we don't want it spilling into our bowl. Maybe someone else's mold is floating at the top of our bowl until our next over flow. Maybe we can sense an overflow about to occur and choose how to use it, where to direct it. We never know.....some of it is under our control. But we cannot always control other bowls. we cannot always control our own bowl.
   Sometimes the ocean comes to us. Sometimes we go to the ocean. Sometimes someone else has gone to the ocean for us. Sometimes a stranger comes to our town, someone from the past "out of the blue", overflowing with water and stirring up trouble, the mold out of old, stagnant waters. mold going from bowl to bowl, back and forth again and again, never ending.
    Explore the potentials, follow the water. Where does it flow? Is someone else's overflow just your old mold coming back to be returned to your bowl? Know your own mold. if you're a regular flower, know that it wasn't. You may have carried it so long, it has become so familar, you don't remember when it wasn't there. And sometimes, maybe ya just don't care. it's mold. It's water. It's there.
    Maybe we wonder why we are always the center of trouble, all we are ever doing is flowing.   
All rivers flow back to the ocean, all waters seek to return to their source. The more the source is in you, the more rivers come seeking to overflow into you. the muddy ones, the crystal clear springs......
    So dance. So sing. So keep those waters flowing.
    Sometimes they'll be crazy spirits. Sometimes they'll be animals hurting.
    It is all water and it is all flowing.
    it is all madness. It is all peace. It is all moving.
    Even in the least.
    It is ever flowing, washing you right out of your seat, knocking you off your feet, out of your comfort zone, leaving you someplace alone.
    It comes in waves.
    It flows steady.
    It's oceans are stormy.
    It's rivers are glistening.
    Are you listening?
    In it's vessels it is speaking.
    Do we only hear it when it is a wave crashing,  or do we notice gurgling and splashing? Can we discern a trickle? When it causes a leaf to be set to rustling?
    Do we set up great dams within ourselves so it does come crashing and foaming, so we know we are alive and flowing because we failed to notice or believe the slow, steady trickle?
    Do we only allow ourselves to flow when others are flowing?
    Do we only allow it for special occassions?
    How often DO we choose our own reality, our stagnation, our own death and dying?
    When is it giving us answers but we add our dams to it, our mold, corrupting it's intention and effectiveness?
    How often do we take it personally when it shouldn't be?
    It is the ocean making them angry, not the individual.
    It is the ocean they are fighting, not you or me.
    We are simply all they can see.
    we are the only part of the ocean they know.
    It is the part of which they are aware.
    It's the only part for which they care.
    All those flowing emotions are symptoms of God speaking to me.
    When I rail at something outside me, to change something, it is a symptom of God within me speaking, with whom I am arguing. I am running, I am refusing an opportunity to see something.
    It is the water flowing, trying to overcome the dams within me.
    And sometimes it is telling me it is something that needs doing, something I am refusing.
    Sometimes it wants me alone, to it's self, so it's gift can be fully developed within me. So a process can become complete. So, I miss an opportunity, I am deprived of something, the computer won't be working, a ship keeps on sailing. I wasn't yet ready, full, complete. I was too busy, I wasn't listening.
    God only yells at you when you aren't listening.
    But if you do listen, he is quiet and patient and long-suffering. He is entertaining.
    It is a He when it is in control of things. (get the meaning, not the words that I here speak)
    Do you feel the energy?
    Did you take the journey?
    Do you 'see' the peace?
    Do you now recognize me?
    This is me.
    Recognize me.
    It is God who is speaking.

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