This began as an open letter to those serving in the military, flowed into what it means to be a sovereign entity and to be a Native American............
To all true Americans serving in the military:
It is time to come home. It is time to serve and protect your people from a government that has overstepped it's bounds putting it's self into too much debt, subjecting us to outside authorities. It is time to protect us from overbearing government agencies and the minions it has created in it's counselors, teachers, and scientists. I am a citizen whom you swore to protect and defend from enemies foreign AND domestic.
Your children are hungry. They are hungry for a sense of safety, security, health and well-being, a spiritual connection to things.
Spirit came to me and bid me remember my childhood, the streams, the water I drink. My body is 80% water taken from this land. I am bid to notice the pot in which I boil that water, coated in minerals. The other 20% of my body is made up of those minerals it takes from the water which has rained down, drawn the minerals from the soil and been drawn back up out of a well to serve my body. The rest of the food I eat is simply "fossil fuel" my body burns to run it's engine.
I am bid to think about our food and the eating of it: one year we must no longer eat eggs, they are bad for us full of cholesterol. The next we must eat more eggs, it turns out they are high in protein. One year we must not eat butter and instead use margarine. Then we must not use margarine but return to eating butter. Which is it? It is not the food making the people sick, it is the terror with which they eat it. And this fear comes from our government, it's "scientific findings", it's warnings, it's regulations based on this ability to terrorize us into requesting this guidance which leads to confusion: your children are hungry for clarity.
When I stand outside or feel a breeze through an open door or window I FEEL the earth, the wind and the trees. I feel the rich green grass and the birds that are singing. I am a part of it and it is a part of me. As a child I spent most of my days wandering the surface of the earth alone, somehow knowing which plants I could pick in the fields to eat. I wandered in the woods and without fear or doubt I drank from fresh springs. As a budding young woman I swam naked in it's streams at peace in my surroundings. The land and Spirit call out to me: drink! Tell the people, it is time to set themselves free.
It shares it's story.... How we were young and innocent, naïve about many things but learning about sovereignty and what that truly means. Then came the white man with their imported water fermented in patriarchal spirits. this illusion of power seduced our men who became high on these spirits beating their women and children...their connection to earth AND Spirit. It seduced our women with it's air of authority, something we had been lacking in earnest. We sought to learn from them and to teach them what we ourselves did not even know yet. We acted in ignorance. But now we have the answers we were seeking. It is time to cast off the white man's system of patriarchy and domination, returning to the ways of women being our connection to authority, knowledge and understanding of things.
We owe no one anything. We are not in debt to anybody. Foreign governments invested knowing full well our constitution, taking a chance that the American people would not remember it and come to know exactly what it means to be sovereign citizens of a sovereign country. They gambled and lost because the government had no right to make any such commitments on our behalf. A stranger on the street cannot demand of another "give me money and you can get it back from her", pointing to me randomly. Neither can an elected official who I have not chosen take money from China and tell the Chinese government I would pay it back to them or that they can take me into service to compensate for it. It is time for those who claim we owe them to turn around, put their hands in their pockets, lick their wounds, chalk up their losses and start walking. I never voted for a single one of those elected officials. I never saw one worthy of choosing to represent me. My choice NOT to be a registered voter makes my hands clean of ANY agreements they have made and claim to have made on behalf of me.
Even if I had, NO TREATY or AGREEMENT is valid if it is made under duress. If we are afraid of losing something, threatened with violence or ANY form of loss or suffering, expressed or implied, if we do not agree to something, we are being forced against our own will into an agreement. The agreement is null. It is void. It is not an agreement. You do not threaten a woman with loss of her children when you already have them hostage if she does not agree to have sex with you and then sue her for being a whore because she did not scream in objection. We recognize this as rape and the raping of a woman does NOT give a man authority over that woman in any court of law he might stake a claim to her belongings in ......unless it is a white man's. That is why we must not turn to the courts for justification: they are not OUR government. they are European, patriarchal, poisoned and fermented with evil spirits. Their authority is not valid because it does not come through the women, the earth, Source and spirit in one clear connection.
One does not take a child, ask them to make a piece of paper pretty and to give them what they need then make them a slave to all sorts of abuses claiming they gave their consent and permission. Such an agreement is invalid. Ignorance IS a valid reason. There is no shame in admitting we were once children in our understanding. I am sure there is ample proof that white man knew of Native American child like innocence and ignorance to understanding the implications of their actions in the white man's imagination.
If you are a white man who FEELS this land, can openly admit with no shame in it that you depend upon a wife, a mother, your children, to keep yourself grounded and keep your spirits lifted, you ARE Native American. You know where the will comes from that makes you mighty and strong. You ARE wise, you ARE brave, you ARE strong and you ARE Native to America. It is time to shore up your connections to earth and spirit by protecting, defending and fighting for them.
Your children are being born with ADHD: anxiety experienced in the womb that drives a child to carry on in hyper vigilance when it leaves it because you have abandoned them emotionally, spiritually and physically. Your children are being born with autism: too afraid of everything, too afraid to leave a state of hyper vigilance to "come out of their own shell". Your children are born with cancer: fear eating away at them. They suffer from asthma: being to afraid to even remember how to breath every day. They suffer from allergies: are overwhelmed with irritation at having to eat and come into contact with this fearful environment, surrounded and full of everything they are told to be afraid of. They are killing one another and themselves, crying out for attention and acknowledgement of their condition. The earth it's self has pulled you off your feet with waves of water and you do not listen. It tries to shake some sense into you with earthquakes and you still do not listen. It strikes you with wind tearing up your houses and places of evil worship and yet you defy it. Now, it threatens to swallow you whole in sink will now listen.
If you are a red man and do not KNOW these things, you are nothing but a white man in a red man's skin sporting an ID card that says your heritage WAS Native American. Cast the white man out of your skin and become Native American.
A woman from England who calls herself an American citizen told me we live in a culture which she agrees with: that all it's citizens are "mandated reporters". We are to report anything we see other people do to their children that "concerns us" while we are out in public. NO. We have the right to privacy no matter where we are or what we are doing. Why do you not know to avert your eyes when in the presence of other people's matters of privacy? Why do you stare openly at the embarrassment of one being punished/arrested? Why do not avert your attention from the suffering already being attended at the site of an "accident"? A true, mature, responsible, sovereign person knows of discretion. They know what is and what is not their business. They teach by example and with discipline/guidance in whatever form is appropriate and needed to their children.
What of "elected officials", "representatives", "public servants" in a sovereign nation made up of sovereign people's? Servants don't get paid. We meet their needs but we do not give them a paycheck. So let us say for example someone volunteers to serve in California and the only one offering the means to travel is an Amish man with his horse and buggy? The representative accepts graciously and leaves a bit earlier than he would if he were taking a plane or car to the next session. But I can guarantee, a sovereign people who KNOW their representative WILL serve and protect their interests would most likely be flying first class all the way there while never taking such things for granted.
There are answers to everything if we look deep within. The road there, the way in, has been shown to me and paved clear for me. It is now time to access it, draw it forth and apply it. It is now time to BE Native American.
Nicknamed "Grandma's House", Detroit Village Neighborly: Doing what we can for whomever we can, whenever we are able. On call nights and weekends.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Freedom = Sovereignty
Some bits and pieces I am discovering about sovereignty and an email about child support enforcement in example of how to apply what I am learning:
We must get used to expecting service rather than asking for help with things. If we ask for help, we are putting ourselves into subjection, a position of servitude, relinquishing authority. We make requests for service, not assistence or help of any kind. It is appropriate for children to demonstrate subjection to parents, asking them(parents) for help or assistence but it is not apprpriate for adults to ask for help from children. If we ask, "Will you do me a favor?" we are asking "Will you do me this service?" and is a way of getting answers and things without being overbearing yet not putting ourselves into subjection to the one doing the giving, I think. Technicalities, sometimes it is all in the technicalities and so some miner details need to be taken very seriously until we get everything in order and miner slips of the tongue do not invite threat...a day shall come when no such threat exists. Speaking of which, so often we have experienced just the viewing of entertainment as a doorway for spirits to enter. A simple observation must not be mistaken as an invitation. As responsible sovereigns we have every right and obligation to examine the spirit of all things that we may determine their appropriateness to the human experience. We should not dwell in ignorance nor be under threat simply for leaving a state of ignorance.
The next morning I awake slowly, feeling better still but not yet completely healed. I am given the brief vision glimpse of a buck and a doe playing in a field together. Warm joy fills me. As I go about my morning more realizations come to me as I realize God had no right to make promises to Isreal. She had already chosen a land that pleased her: the lush, rich green of the Eastern United States. She had already chosen a people and endowed them with understanding of the pricinciples of Sovereignty; such tribes as the Mohicans. The Constitution is evidence of their influence and what those who appreciated it wanted, however white men did not understand the principles fully, were already in a state and consciousness of servitude and so The United States of Sovereign Peoples did not survivie it's infancy. It is beggining to. She is etrayed by the form He chose to have her dwell in, some of which makes her happy, some of which doesn't. But She is already invested. And while He would prefer other forms, He must take the one which pleases her and She asserts Her Sovereignty over the affairs He created for Himself. He must be in subjection and accept the lesson. It is Her people who will govern the affairs He created. A woman is faithful, just and righteous in her nature if she is empowered. But He must have no emotional investment in the affairs He created or She is forced to bring upon them destruction. They both know this. many things are occuring to me: a husband's duty to honor his wife vs the scriptural right as her lord and master to do so and cause her to suffer should another choose to. Well, if He had been doing an appropriate job of it, another wouldn't be driven to do it or be given the opportunity to sneak in the back door to do it, so to speak. Time to allow things to come rolling in gently, quietly, patiently but assuredly. It is She who stated it would be given to another. That is the trick to "hearing" prophesy that was recorded; hearing the various voices within it. It does not take bigger guns to win a war, but a stronger will than your opponent. It is will that moves the world. Hers is greater and She lends it to Him, that Her will be done, not His.
One must first make the choices of a Sovereign and then they will be treated as a Sovereign.
To be a free Sovereign, one must stand alone as a Sovereign upon principle with confidence and the will to stand upon that principle. It must know when to be still and when to take action, when to speak and when to be quiet, when to retreat and when to strike out. It cannot complain nor base it's rights upon past actions "I did this for you now you must do this for me", this is blackmail, setting a standard of needing to earn worthiness. One must know their worthiness and assert their rights based upon this alone.
Sovereignty does not need to be recognized or affirmed by anyone else-that would make it dependent upon others for it's sovereignty, thus losing it's sovereignty. Sovereignty does not declare it's sovereignty. We recognize sovereignty when we see it but it is not dependent upon our recognition for it to recognize it's own existence. Sovereignty does not imitate it's enemy to prove it's self like them their equal, or it becomes it's own enemy. It does not seek a place at the table because it does not wish to be one of those who sits at the table as a representation of it's right to exist. It does not sit as one of many, it sits as one among many. It sits alone at a table that may also be filled with other people.
The constitution does not give rights, it is simply stating an awareness of rights we have only if we ourselves are aware of these rights. It does not hitch it's wagons to others or join up with them, it simply walks with them for a while.
We must get used to expecting service rather than asking for help with things. If we ask for help, we are putting ourselves into subjection, a position of servitude, relinquishing authority. We make requests for service, not assistence or help of any kind. It is appropriate for children to demonstrate subjection to parents, asking them(parents) for help or assistence but it is not apprpriate for adults to ask for help from children. If we ask, "Will you do me a favor?" we are asking "Will you do me this service?" and is a way of getting answers and things without being overbearing yet not putting ourselves into subjection to the one doing the giving, I think. Technicalities, sometimes it is all in the technicalities and so some miner details need to be taken very seriously until we get everything in order and miner slips of the tongue do not invite threat...a day shall come when no such threat exists. Speaking of which, so often we have experienced just the viewing of entertainment as a doorway for spirits to enter. A simple observation must not be mistaken as an invitation. As responsible sovereigns we have every right and obligation to examine the spirit of all things that we may determine their appropriateness to the human experience. We should not dwell in ignorance nor be under threat simply for leaving a state of ignorance.
The next morning I awake slowly, feeling better still but not yet completely healed. I am given the brief vision glimpse of a buck and a doe playing in a field together. Warm joy fills me. As I go about my morning more realizations come to me as I realize God had no right to make promises to Isreal. She had already chosen a land that pleased her: the lush, rich green of the Eastern United States. She had already chosen a people and endowed them with understanding of the pricinciples of Sovereignty; such tribes as the Mohicans. The Constitution is evidence of their influence and what those who appreciated it wanted, however white men did not understand the principles fully, were already in a state and consciousness of servitude and so The United States of Sovereign Peoples did not survivie it's infancy. It is beggining to. She is etrayed by the form He chose to have her dwell in, some of which makes her happy, some of which doesn't. But She is already invested. And while He would prefer other forms, He must take the one which pleases her and She asserts Her Sovereignty over the affairs He created for Himself. He must be in subjection and accept the lesson. It is Her people who will govern the affairs He created. A woman is faithful, just and righteous in her nature if she is empowered. But He must have no emotional investment in the affairs He created or She is forced to bring upon them destruction. They both know this. many things are occuring to me: a husband's duty to honor his wife vs the scriptural right as her lord and master to do so and cause her to suffer should another choose to. Well, if He had been doing an appropriate job of it, another wouldn't be driven to do it or be given the opportunity to sneak in the back door to do it, so to speak. Time to allow things to come rolling in gently, quietly, patiently but assuredly. It is She who stated it would be given to another. That is the trick to "hearing" prophesy that was recorded; hearing the various voices within it. It does not take bigger guns to win a war, but a stronger will than your opponent. It is will that moves the world. Hers is greater and She lends it to Him, that Her will be done, not His.
One must first make the choices of a Sovereign and then they will be treated as a Sovereign.
To be a free Sovereign, one must stand alone as a Sovereign upon principle with confidence and the will to stand upon that principle. It must know when to be still and when to take action, when to speak and when to be quiet, when to retreat and when to strike out. It cannot complain nor base it's rights upon past actions "I did this for you now you must do this for me", this is blackmail, setting a standard of needing to earn worthiness. One must know their worthiness and assert their rights based upon this alone.
Sovereignty does not need to be recognized or affirmed by anyone else-that would make it dependent upon others for it's sovereignty, thus losing it's sovereignty. Sovereignty does not declare it's sovereignty. We recognize sovereignty when we see it but it is not dependent upon our recognition for it to recognize it's own existence. Sovereignty does not imitate it's enemy to prove it's self like them their equal, or it becomes it's own enemy. It does not seek a place at the table because it does not wish to be one of those who sits at the table as a representation of it's right to exist. It does not sit as one of many, it sits as one among many. It sits alone at a table that may also be filled with other people.
The constitution does not give rights, it is simply stating an awareness of rights we have only if we ourselves are aware of these rights. It does not hitch it's wagons to others or join up with them, it simply walks with them for a while.
Good afternoon and thank you for writing.
Please bear with me as I describe my perspective/beliefs to you. Our country's founders, writers of the constitution, wrote that we have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that these rights are God given and inalienable. I believe this to be true. Liberty, or freedom, is only present if responsibilities are appropriately assigned and appropriately taken. How my objections, based upon these principles, apply to my specific situation and the state's child support enforcement agencies follows:
In the State of Maine, I have 4 child-support cases. Two are in reference to my youngest children and involving one man who chose to be their father. This man was abusive and a danger to the children, so his rights have been revoked. The State of Maine, as an entity, however, is persuing a perceived responsibility to financially support these children. I find this imbalanced and a violation of the right to freedom, not only how it applies to him but especially as it applies to myself and my children. This persistence in an erroneous belief that he is responsible for financially supporting these children limits both myself and my children's freedom, safety and over-all well-being. I have a restraining order stating I do not need to notify him of our place of residency. Well, if the State of Maine persists, he will know exactly which state we live in and probably at least which county. This persistence by the state ties me to him if I am in a position needing state services, which also limits my liberty, freedom of movement without question. It endangers our lives, which it has no right to endanger but should instead be protecting. And it absolutely affects our right to happiness which would involve our freedom from association with him and support enforcement. I have every right to life-sustaining government services.
As for the other two cases; The State of Maine is persuing cases against me in violation of my God given rights which are also constitutional. I grew up abused and so logically only understood and got involved in abusive relationships. Two of my abusers, fathers to my children, got an illegally applied restraining order removing my children from my custody. (I have consulted a lawyer who is the one who informed me that the restraining order was illegally applied to my situation. She did not work in the circuit, however, so she herself couldn't help me with the case at the time). Knowing my ex did indeed have political connections, being undermined by my own family (which would only logically happen as they are abusive), and completely struck by PTSD, I gave up on everything. 10 years later I am still not allowed to visit my children as the visitation which is court ordered is not being respected by their fathers. All of my rights have been taken, thus it is my belief based on religious, political and intellectual conviction I absolutely have NO responsibilities concerning these children, most absolutely NOT "child support". And to ask that I pay these men to abuse my children is absolutely absurd, in my opinion. The government's involvement in these cases absolutely deprives me of the right to life (in the form of life-sustaining activities such as producing a livable income), liberty (freedom of movement due to threat of losing a driver's license and freedom to choose how any money I have coming in will be spent) and the pursuit of happiness which would be found in my own freedom and that of my children.
The child support ordered in the secondly mentioned two cases was based upon temporary employment through a temp agency and sum totaled more each week than a person of my employability would even be able to make. The amounts are unreasonable on that fact alone in the least. But add to that the fact that I have never been more than temporarily employed in my entire life due to PTSD, had the PTSD compounded by the manner in which my children were taken and thus I never will be employed gainfully according to this system again. This, however, does not mean I can be deprived of my inalienable rights to life(which would mean all required to sustain it such as food, shelter and clothing), liberty (freedom to travel, freedom from threats of violence and imprisonment, and spend any resources as chosen unhindered) and pursuit of happiness (which might include the right to own property).
Based upon these religious, political, and intellectual convictions, I ask that the State of Maine's Child Support Enforcement Agencies cease any and all activities on behalf of my myself and/or my children, their fathers, and it's self.
Notice I simply note an agreement with the statement the constitution makes rather than a dependency upon it's statement for those rights. The government has claimed ownership of all resources (land and all on it and in it) and asserts those claimed rights with might. To live freely, one must find a way to avail one's self of the resources without provoking the might to be used against it. So one uses the loopholes to avail one's self of resources without sacrificing freedom until the might is taken from the government. This method has so far called off the might from it's uses, removing threat, resulting in freedom. I was guided into these loopholes. And that is the key to first learning subjection, we learn to allow ourselves to be guided where we might not want to go and we must learn to listen to what we are being told rather than what we might think the words are implying. Subtleties, in this game, are vital.
Another key is request without expectation. Expectation makes one dependent upon fulfillment of that expectation. It creates a sense being required to fulfill the expectation, a sense of obligation, being forced to fulfill the expectation. Assuming a request will be fulfilled is also missing the mark and a form of expectation. One must simply feel a assured within themselves that what is desired will be given in one form or another and then one be open to accept the fulfillment of the request in whatever form it has taken. Will includes willingness, not being strong-willed in being stubborn or rebellious because it is will which is the true might, stronger than any muscles, gun or bomb any man might aim at you.
Sovereigns are discerning when it comes to materialism and taking on dependents. Material things in possession require maintenance and can come to own a person more than the person owns them. Dependents or those in need of service/governing also can come to a point of owning a person. The main goal of a sovereign in taking on dependents is to liberate them, train them to become independent sovereigns themselves. Material possessions are also taken on with discernment.
In the end, a sovereign knows it is not obligated to give that which another has no right to take. And a sovereign knows it cannot be held accountable for what another had no right to commit.
Another letter I sent that needed writing:
May 30, 2013
Attn: (name), counselor
and (to agency where counselor is employed)
To whom it may concern;
In today's counseling session I expressed to Carol Ann my intent to not continue our relationship as client and councilor, stating my reasons for my considering it inappropriate as a responsible parent. Using coercive persuasion (a form of psychological abuse and manipulation to violate my own expressed will and intention) Carol Ann dismissed my request and made me another appointment.
During my intake I was led to understand it took two meetings to come up with a preliminary assessment/ "comp" assessment and a week to complete it. We have had our two sessions. I request a certified or notarized copy of that assessment and diagnosis, which I had previewed today in Carol Ann's office, be sent to me within the week or I WILL be suing for malpractice. I do have a dated document stating my intent to discontinue the relationship, verifying what was my intention to discuss during this very session.
Detroit, Me 04929
Added in handwriting:
P.S. and yes, this does mean I am cancelling the next appointment for 6/6/2013
It does occur to me that (counselor's name)'s boasting during our session about how she can play the system, do things her way within it, using the example of being able to influence Child Welfare for or against her clients at her discretion could be construed as an implied threat to me and my children. It also occurs to me that during our first session (counselor) over stepped her bounds, usurping my parental authority, in an incident where she counseled my children without my permission, demonstrating that her presence in our lives is indeed inappropriate, that she is professionally unfit, and that as a "mandated reporter", her perceptions cannot be trusted.
Reminder: The diagnosis was that my PTSD and anxiety are purely physiological; not emotional, mental/intellectual or psychological. The disability is in my body only.
Notice I simply note an agreement with the statement the constitution makes rather than a dependency upon it's statement for those rights. The government has claimed ownership of all resources (land and all on it and in it) and asserts those claimed rights with might. To live freely, one must find a way to avail one's self of the resources without provoking the might to be used against it. So one uses the loopholes to avail one's self of resources without sacrificing freedom until the might is taken from the government. This method has so far called off the might from it's uses, removing threat, resulting in freedom. I was guided into these loopholes. And that is the key to first learning subjection, we learn to allow ourselves to be guided where we might not want to go and we must learn to listen to what we are being told rather than what we might think the words are implying. Subtleties, in this game, are vital.
Another key is request without expectation. Expectation makes one dependent upon fulfillment of that expectation. It creates a sense being required to fulfill the expectation, a sense of obligation, being forced to fulfill the expectation. Assuming a request will be fulfilled is also missing the mark and a form of expectation. One must simply feel a assured within themselves that what is desired will be given in one form or another and then one be open to accept the fulfillment of the request in whatever form it has taken. Will includes willingness, not being strong-willed in being stubborn or rebellious because it is will which is the true might, stronger than any muscles, gun or bomb any man might aim at you.
Sovereigns are discerning when it comes to materialism and taking on dependents. Material things in possession require maintenance and can come to own a person more than the person owns them. Dependents or those in need of service/governing also can come to a point of owning a person. The main goal of a sovereign in taking on dependents is to liberate them, train them to become independent sovereigns themselves. Material possessions are also taken on with discernment.
In the end, a sovereign knows it is not obligated to give that which another has no right to take. And a sovereign knows it cannot be held accountable for what another had no right to commit.
Another letter I sent that needed writing:
May 30, 2013
Attn: (name), counselor
and (to agency where counselor is employed)
To whom it may concern;
In today's counseling session I expressed to Carol Ann my intent to not continue our relationship as client and councilor, stating my reasons for my considering it inappropriate as a responsible parent. Using coercive persuasion (a form of psychological abuse and manipulation to violate my own expressed will and intention) Carol Ann dismissed my request and made me another appointment.
During my intake I was led to understand it took two meetings to come up with a preliminary assessment/ "comp" assessment and a week to complete it. We have had our two sessions. I request a certified or notarized copy of that assessment and diagnosis, which I had previewed today in Carol Ann's office, be sent to me within the week or I WILL be suing for malpractice. I do have a dated document stating my intent to discontinue the relationship, verifying what was my intention to discuss during this very session.
Detroit, Me 04929
Added in handwriting:
P.S. and yes, this does mean I am cancelling the next appointment for 6/6/2013
It does occur to me that (counselor's name)'s boasting during our session about how she can play the system, do things her way within it, using the example of being able to influence Child Welfare for or against her clients at her discretion could be construed as an implied threat to me and my children. It also occurs to me that during our first session (counselor) over stepped her bounds, usurping my parental authority, in an incident where she counseled my children without my permission, demonstrating that her presence in our lives is indeed inappropriate, that she is professionally unfit, and that as a "mandated reporter", her perceptions cannot be trusted.
Reminder: The diagnosis was that my PTSD and anxiety are purely physiological; not emotional, mental/intellectual or psychological. The disability is in my body only.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Emancipation of teens in Maine
Emancipation of teens in Maine
Petition form:
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Parental Example, our commandments to our children
What I realized about parental example: When I allow that which is bad for us in our environment just to accommodate what I believe is right about aspects of it, I tell my children that which is bad for us is acceptable and even necessary in our environment. To children, our examples are as potent as and serve as commandments. It is the basis by which they will judge themselves and thus be judged. In light of this, we will only allow types of people to be to us what our parents allowed those types of people to be to them.
For the continuation of this train of discovery:
Parental Example and Wedding Invitation
For the continuation of this train of discovery:
Parental Example and Wedding Invitation
Friday, May 10, 2013
Son of God vs Son of Man
Scripture tells us that the Son=the Word and in the old testament, the Word=the Will of God. So, God's Will= God's Son. If will=son then the "son of man"= man's will. The one called Jesus called himself the "Son of Man" as was one of the prophets in the old testament called "Son of Man". "Son of Man", man's will must be sacrificed to be resurrected as "Son of God", God's Will for everlasting life and immortality to be bestowed upon it. "All of creation groans waiting for the revelation of God's children" scripture tells us. It waits for mankind as whole to sacrifice their own will to become the will of God.
I was watching a documentary the other day in four parts on YouTube. It was all about how mankind was destroying our environment and causing climate change. I did not believe it fully because the earth's climate is always changing. Animal species are always going extinct and new species evolving to fill in the gaps left by those that did go extinct. Mankind has always been a global traveler, spreading "alien" plant life and insects and animals onto new continents and islands. Yes, we might be speeding up climate change as we speed up travel, it's frequency and add so much to greenhouse gases, but it would have happened eventually. The only difference between now and "then" is man's discomfort with climate changes. Tribal man accepts and adapts. Modern man does everything within his power to resist changes. Tribal man sees it's self as just another animal. Modern "civilized" man sees it's self as above animals, different.
Then the documentary came to a part on Yellowstone. Killing off the wolves led to the dying off of the trees. Man killed predators it was in competition with, stopped being an animal predator himself and this is what destroyed the earth. Every intense climate change is marked with the demise of an advanced civilization such as the Mayans, the Atlantians, etc. History is simply repeating it's self. Again. It is only after the end of the civilizations that the men who survive it go back to being hunter-gatherers, animals. Those close to those civilizations with folklore and legends surrounding them thus keeping a memory of them, are the most resistant to "civilization" of themselves. And for good reason; "civilization" leads to our destruction.
Building farms in Australia kills the Eskimos in Alaska when it kills the whales they live off of. So the Eskimos have no choice but to become "civilized", creating their own disruptions to the environment which returns the favor somewhere else in the world. California is suffocating on pollution that blows in from China.
Tribal man is usually nomadic, hunter gatherers. God's chosen people have always become by His will nomadic and the one called Jesus was nomadic. He told his disciples to be like him. Civilized people living according to their will are sedentary in their lifestyles. People busy with getting out to hunt and gather, move their dwellings, etc are too busy and expending energy on other things than reproduction and oppression/dysfunction. Population control is naturally occurring and individual freedom a natural result.
God was happy in a tent. "Did I ask for a temple?" God asked David. No, He didn't. He didn't want man to have laws, sacrifices or a human king. He wanted them to have a few laws written on stone tablets and individual freedom with designated territories. It was man's will to have statues and sacrifices and a king. So, God sacrificed His own Will= His Son, for that of man's. And look where it led. So, it is now up to man to sacrifice his own will=his own son which brings death and destruction for God's Son= Will, that mankind can continue to live.
Those who survive great climatic changes and downfalls of civilizations a.k.a. societal or cultural "Armageddon" are always those who are adaptable, resourceful and most willing to suddenly resort to becoming hunter gatherers....those most willing and able to live like animals......those most able to give up their own will for God's Will, His Son.
Oh, the YouTube video:
"National Geographic-Strange Days on Earth-Part 3 of 4-Predator"
I was watching a documentary the other day in four parts on YouTube. It was all about how mankind was destroying our environment and causing climate change. I did not believe it fully because the earth's climate is always changing. Animal species are always going extinct and new species evolving to fill in the gaps left by those that did go extinct. Mankind has always been a global traveler, spreading "alien" plant life and insects and animals onto new continents and islands. Yes, we might be speeding up climate change as we speed up travel, it's frequency and add so much to greenhouse gases, but it would have happened eventually. The only difference between now and "then" is man's discomfort with climate changes. Tribal man accepts and adapts. Modern man does everything within his power to resist changes. Tribal man sees it's self as just another animal. Modern "civilized" man sees it's self as above animals, different.
Then the documentary came to a part on Yellowstone. Killing off the wolves led to the dying off of the trees. Man killed predators it was in competition with, stopped being an animal predator himself and this is what destroyed the earth. Every intense climate change is marked with the demise of an advanced civilization such as the Mayans, the Atlantians, etc. History is simply repeating it's self. Again. It is only after the end of the civilizations that the men who survive it go back to being hunter-gatherers, animals. Those close to those civilizations with folklore and legends surrounding them thus keeping a memory of them, are the most resistant to "civilization" of themselves. And for good reason; "civilization" leads to our destruction.
Building farms in Australia kills the Eskimos in Alaska when it kills the whales they live off of. So the Eskimos have no choice but to become "civilized", creating their own disruptions to the environment which returns the favor somewhere else in the world. California is suffocating on pollution that blows in from China.
Tribal man is usually nomadic, hunter gatherers. God's chosen people have always become by His will nomadic and the one called Jesus was nomadic. He told his disciples to be like him. Civilized people living according to their will are sedentary in their lifestyles. People busy with getting out to hunt and gather, move their dwellings, etc are too busy and expending energy on other things than reproduction and oppression/dysfunction. Population control is naturally occurring and individual freedom a natural result.
God was happy in a tent. "Did I ask for a temple?" God asked David. No, He didn't. He didn't want man to have laws, sacrifices or a human king. He wanted them to have a few laws written on stone tablets and individual freedom with designated territories. It was man's will to have statues and sacrifices and a king. So, God sacrificed His own Will= His Son, for that of man's. And look where it led. So, it is now up to man to sacrifice his own will=his own son which brings death and destruction for God's Son= Will, that mankind can continue to live.
Those who survive great climatic changes and downfalls of civilizations a.k.a. societal or cultural "Armageddon" are always those who are adaptable, resourceful and most willing to suddenly resort to becoming hunter gatherers....those most willing and able to live like animals......those most able to give up their own will for God's Will, His Son.
Oh, the YouTube video:
"National Geographic-Strange Days on Earth-Part 3 of 4-Predator"
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
You Can't Tell Them They Have Been Duped
I have noticed certain things about people. Due to insecurities you can't tell them they are wrong or have been misled about something. Their reactions tend to be extreme. For example: tell a person who is insecure about their intellect that they have been misused and they tend ot react in one of two extremes: the first is digging their heals in. They can't be wrong and so they will find every reason, every excuse, every justification to continue persuing their activities and/or perceptions. They reinforce themselves. The second is the insecure full of self doubt who get way too hard on themselves and give up on everything.
I saw these two extremes in personalities in action in response to the Boston marathon bombing. The first type got all blood thirsty and patriotic while the second all rushed ot give up their guns and cry out for government security, letting government agents and police walk right into their houses, take over their streets.
Now come the conspiracy theorists. You really want to tell these people they have been duped? It's laughable. The first type will dig in their heals and become more persistent while the second will give up on life in general. They will do nothing. But as they say: "Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you". So, if our pride can take it (first type of personality) and we won't be overwhelmed (second type), we can examine the following and maybe gain some perspective on the truth of our situation as a country:
The following one contains a lot of swearing, so parental warning on content.
Either which way turns out to be the truth, I was not impressed by the bloodlust directed at a couple of teenagers and hatred filled patriotism that turned neighbor against any neighbor who would not give in to flag waving and gun rights activism. I picked up on people who were obviously plants to encourage the hatred and violence, one of whom was my own cousin. Beware the patriotic fervor if you wish to keep your head within sound reason.
I saw these two extremes in personalities in action in response to the Boston marathon bombing. The first type got all blood thirsty and patriotic while the second all rushed ot give up their guns and cry out for government security, letting government agents and police walk right into their houses, take over their streets.
Now come the conspiracy theorists. You really want to tell these people they have been duped? It's laughable. The first type will dig in their heals and become more persistent while the second will give up on life in general. They will do nothing. But as they say: "Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you". So, if our pride can take it (first type of personality) and we won't be overwhelmed (second type), we can examine the following and maybe gain some perspective on the truth of our situation as a country:
The following one contains a lot of swearing, so parental warning on content.
Either which way turns out to be the truth, I was not impressed by the bloodlust directed at a couple of teenagers and hatred filled patriotism that turned neighbor against any neighbor who would not give in to flag waving and gun rights activism. I picked up on people who were obviously plants to encourage the hatred and violence, one of whom was my own cousin. Beware the patriotic fervor if you wish to keep your head within sound reason.
We Date What We Hate
I had read once how the worst qualities within us are drawn to the worst qualities in other people and that is how we choose our mates. I thought that was crazy. Weren't we drawn to their good qualities, the things we love about them? But then those little quirks we found so endearing do become extremely annoying, don't they? I have come to understand this all happens for several reasons.
1) in a lower consciousness, which we are all born in basically, emotions are experienced in the lower body. So, excitement of any sort; fear anger, anxiety, passion, love, a challenge.....all excite us sexually. Energy builds up in the lower body, seeking release. (off-topic: The opposite extreme is spiritual ecstasy....too much energy built up in the upper body. Doesn't matter of it's good or bad energy, it's just too much energy that has found a new channel to travel).
2) Environmental conditioning. We are taught from parental example and even verbal instruction: this is the type of person whose attention we want to get, this is how we interact with them, respond to them , get their attention. Someone comes along who is different and we just don't know what to do with them. We can go into a room full of wealthy, successful people and come out with the one single person who will ultimately make us unhappy because were raised to choose them and they were trained to respond to the cues we were sending. A change of choice in social class, status, race, color, gender do not indicate an upward movement in relationships. You will always attract and choose what you were programmed to. Most of us hate ourselves/suffer from insecurities and hate our parents, our families/our environments and so it is that we draw to us/are attracted to our environments/the same kind of people who we thus hate.
3) Insecurities, once again, for a different reason. We don't believe we deserve any better and so we "settle" or choose someone as self-punishment. degradation.
4) Fate/Destiny. There are outside forces and soul contracts that are made.
5) Our natures. If we are healing souls we will be drawn to those most in need of healing. If we are sickly and want healing, we will be drawn to those who are supportive and healing. Insecurities would cause the sickly to hate or resent the healer and the healer may, due to lower consciousness misinterpret the need to heal someone with love/infatuation/sexual attraction. On higher levels of consciousness: mental and emotional maturity, the true nature of a relationship is recognized and entered into responsibly. A more mature healer would not get romantically involved with one in need of healing and one in need of healing would not form an infatuation with/attachment to/dependency upon the one healing. A healer begins to recognize those who are sickly yet do not want healing, those who say they want it or act like it but don't really. And those who are ill recognize an authentic healer of higher caliber who can be trusted not to form a dependency upon their need for healing or an unhealthy attachment to them.
That is the myriad reasons why most of us date what hate. And come to think of it, these are also the reasons we end up in circumstances we find unpleasant. You can give a poor person millions of dollars and then sit by in wonderment as they quickly become poor again. Or help someone cleanup their house, yard, lifestyle and they will once again become a mess. They are why we can heal someone and they will once again become sick. Until the person reaches mental and emotional maturity/ a higher consciousness, anything we change will change right back again and any changes feel unpleasant.
The cool thing is, we have the power to change every single one of those reasons.
1) in a lower consciousness, which we are all born in basically, emotions are experienced in the lower body. So, excitement of any sort; fear anger, anxiety, passion, love, a challenge.....all excite us sexually. Energy builds up in the lower body, seeking release. (off-topic: The opposite extreme is spiritual ecstasy....too much energy built up in the upper body. Doesn't matter of it's good or bad energy, it's just too much energy that has found a new channel to travel).
2) Environmental conditioning. We are taught from parental example and even verbal instruction: this is the type of person whose attention we want to get, this is how we interact with them, respond to them , get their attention. Someone comes along who is different and we just don't know what to do with them. We can go into a room full of wealthy, successful people and come out with the one single person who will ultimately make us unhappy because were raised to choose them and they were trained to respond to the cues we were sending. A change of choice in social class, status, race, color, gender do not indicate an upward movement in relationships. You will always attract and choose what you were programmed to. Most of us hate ourselves/suffer from insecurities and hate our parents, our families/our environments and so it is that we draw to us/are attracted to our environments/the same kind of people who we thus hate.
3) Insecurities, once again, for a different reason. We don't believe we deserve any better and so we "settle" or choose someone as self-punishment. degradation.
4) Fate/Destiny. There are outside forces and soul contracts that are made.
5) Our natures. If we are healing souls we will be drawn to those most in need of healing. If we are sickly and want healing, we will be drawn to those who are supportive and healing. Insecurities would cause the sickly to hate or resent the healer and the healer may, due to lower consciousness misinterpret the need to heal someone with love/infatuation/sexual attraction. On higher levels of consciousness: mental and emotional maturity, the true nature of a relationship is recognized and entered into responsibly. A more mature healer would not get romantically involved with one in need of healing and one in need of healing would not form an infatuation with/attachment to/dependency upon the one healing. A healer begins to recognize those who are sickly yet do not want healing, those who say they want it or act like it but don't really. And those who are ill recognize an authentic healer of higher caliber who can be trusted not to form a dependency upon their need for healing or an unhealthy attachment to them.
That is the myriad reasons why most of us date what hate. And come to think of it, these are also the reasons we end up in circumstances we find unpleasant. You can give a poor person millions of dollars and then sit by in wonderment as they quickly become poor again. Or help someone cleanup their house, yard, lifestyle and they will once again become a mess. They are why we can heal someone and they will once again become sick. Until the person reaches mental and emotional maturity/ a higher consciousness, anything we change will change right back again and any changes feel unpleasant.
The cool thing is, we have the power to change every single one of those reasons.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Rights and Responsibilities
Rights and responsibilities are inherently connected. Where there are no rights, there is no responsibility. So, for example, if one's parental rights are being willfully denied by a person of authority there is no "parental responsibility". To force upon another the responsibilities of a relationship is a form of violence against that person, the one refusing to take responsibility loses all rights in that they have relinquished them. The one then assuming those rights cannot be held responsible for how they take responsibility for the responsibility thrust upon them. The one refusing to take responsibility is accountable to the one whom they have forced responsibility upon and can be held responsible for restitution for any injuries incurred by the one forced into a position of responsibility.
A responsible person does not rob others of their responsibilities, they may help them fulfill them, however they do not dismiss them nor undermine them. They certainly don't go running to "mommy" when they feel insecure and threatened. They take responsibility for themselves, their relationships and their actions.
A responsible person does not rob others of their responsibilities, they may help them fulfill them, however they do not dismiss them nor undermine them. They certainly don't go running to "mommy" when they feel insecure and threatened. They take responsibility for themselves, their relationships and their actions.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
You say you're just being yourself
You can say and know that you are just being yourself when the song in your heart does not match that of everyone else's. It is when nothing in "pop" culture resonates. You know you are just being yourself when you can be by yourself. You know you are just being you when you let our hair grow out the way yours was made to instead of like everyone else's or something you saw in a magazine or to look like your mother's. You know you are just being yourself when you let yourself be yourself: your legs be hairy instead of shaving them to be like a baby's. When you don't paint up your face to look like a statue or to get a reaction. When you cry because you are unhappy rather than beating someone who is "tough" and yelling.
Just being yourself is being honest with and about yourself. Shrugging and saying "it don't bother me" when it hurts or makes you angry is lying and being someone else. When you're crying to the same songs, flirting with the same rythms, mimicking the same dances as everyone around you, you are nothing but a clone in a machine programmed to say the words "there is no one else like me", when in fact, you are saying the same thing as everyone else around you.
Getting a tattoo does not make you original or young and hip, just expressing yourself. It makes you just like everyone else because very few people don't have tattoos these days. When you get your face pierced in some ridiculous way, you are not just being you and expressing yourself. You're being just like every other teenager out there seeking some way to look cool, tough and part of the crowd, imitating entertainers instead of yourself. When you decide to act tough instead of admitting you're scared you are being a coward. People will make fun of you and ridicule you because you are lying. They judge you because you have judged yourself as unworthy of expression.
Tough is being brave enough to tell the truth: I'm hurt, I'm scared, I'm angry. Being brave is not being afraid of yourself. Being brave is not being afraid of just being yourself. "Just being different" or "just being crazy", is just being like everyone else who is trying to stand out in a crowd. And yet when you stand out for being different, truly being yourself, you try to be just like everybody else by dying your hair a different color then everyone else in your immediate environment who is dying their hair to be a different color than yours is. If you stop shaving your legs just to be different then you are just being like everyone else. If you are not bathing or cutting your hair just to be different and prove you just don't are being just like everyone else out there.
When you complain no one understands you: well, no kidding. You are not being you, you're not being honest. How are they supposed to understand if you are not being an explanation; expressing your true inner being? People will only tell you what you are telling yourself already.
And when you are a woman wearing men's clothing, a girl wearing her boyfriend's jacket or hat or ring, you are wearing a man because you think it makes you pretty. You're not just being yourself. You are being a part of that man, you're being his hat, his jacket or his ring because you think it makes you desireable to be anything but just you, just being yourself. And he will treat you like his property, like he treats his hat, his jacket or his ring. And you whine he is not treating you like a human being. Well, you're not being a human being. You're being an ornament, a decoration. And you're whining at him and blaming him because he is not acting like the ornament you have made him to be.
When an adult tells you how you are causing your own problems, it is not as you say: that they just don't understand. It's because they understand perfectly. I know where you are coming from because I came from there myself. I know the consequences of the choices you are making because I made them myself. And you might say "Well, your life isn't turning out well" and I tell you....that is my point exactly.
Just being yourself is being honest with and about yourself. Shrugging and saying "it don't bother me" when it hurts or makes you angry is lying and being someone else. When you're crying to the same songs, flirting with the same rythms, mimicking the same dances as everyone around you, you are nothing but a clone in a machine programmed to say the words "there is no one else like me", when in fact, you are saying the same thing as everyone else around you.
Getting a tattoo does not make you original or young and hip, just expressing yourself. It makes you just like everyone else because very few people don't have tattoos these days. When you get your face pierced in some ridiculous way, you are not just being you and expressing yourself. You're being just like every other teenager out there seeking some way to look cool, tough and part of the crowd, imitating entertainers instead of yourself. When you decide to act tough instead of admitting you're scared you are being a coward. People will make fun of you and ridicule you because you are lying. They judge you because you have judged yourself as unworthy of expression.
Tough is being brave enough to tell the truth: I'm hurt, I'm scared, I'm angry. Being brave is not being afraid of yourself. Being brave is not being afraid of just being yourself. "Just being different" or "just being crazy", is just being like everyone else who is trying to stand out in a crowd. And yet when you stand out for being different, truly being yourself, you try to be just like everybody else by dying your hair a different color then everyone else in your immediate environment who is dying their hair to be a different color than yours is. If you stop shaving your legs just to be different then you are just being like everyone else. If you are not bathing or cutting your hair just to be different and prove you just don't are being just like everyone else out there.
When you complain no one understands you: well, no kidding. You are not being you, you're not being honest. How are they supposed to understand if you are not being an explanation; expressing your true inner being? People will only tell you what you are telling yourself already.
And when you are a woman wearing men's clothing, a girl wearing her boyfriend's jacket or hat or ring, you are wearing a man because you think it makes you pretty. You're not just being yourself. You are being a part of that man, you're being his hat, his jacket or his ring because you think it makes you desireable to be anything but just you, just being yourself. And he will treat you like his property, like he treats his hat, his jacket or his ring. And you whine he is not treating you like a human being. Well, you're not being a human being. You're being an ornament, a decoration. And you're whining at him and blaming him because he is not acting like the ornament you have made him to be.
When an adult tells you how you are causing your own problems, it is not as you say: that they just don't understand. It's because they understand perfectly. I know where you are coming from because I came from there myself. I know the consequences of the choices you are making because I made them myself. And you might say "Well, your life isn't turning out well" and I tell you....that is my point exactly.
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